Friday, June 11, 2010

VLAN interfaces in Nexus 5K

Question: Is the only way to reach a Nexus 5K remotely, via the management port? I can not create a VLAN interface.

Answer: Creating VLAN interfaces is possible, however, you have to enable the feature globally before you can make them. To enable the feature:

feature interface-vlan

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Password recovery procedure does not work on a Cisco C6509

Question: I have a Catalyst 6509-E Sup-720 3B; I want to reset the enable password on it. I follow the step-by-step procedure described in but when the switch boots it does not ignore the start-up configuration even though I set the confreg to 0x2142

Answer: I think you start your procedure too early. You should wait till RP gains control of the switch console and then initiate the break sequence.

So power-off your switch, power it on, wait for the following syslog message and then start the procedure:

%OIR-6-CONSOLE: Changing console ownership to route processor

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Manula IOS upgrade of Cisco switch stacks (CBS3130)

Question: I have a stack of 4 C3130 switches want to upgrade the IOS, when I put the new image in flash and reload the switch I see that only the master switch comes up but the other 3 not. How can I upgrade the IOS manually for these 4 switches?

Answer: To manually upgrade your stack with a new IOS image you have to follow these steps:

1- Copy the image to the flash of all stack members ( and also the master):
copy tftp: flash1:
( flash2: and so on...)

2- Make sure that the new image file exists in all flashes
dir flash1:
( flash2: and so on...)

3- Use the boot system command to tell all stack members to boot from your new image file. This is the tricky part cuz you normally do not use this way in a single stand-alone switch:
boot system switch all flash:imagename

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If Index used by SNMP (linkDown Trap)

Question: I receive this trap in my trap receiver:

Tue Feb 03 13:49:14 2009 SWITCHNAME- Cisco Agent Interface Down (linkDown Trap) on interface id;nr . 0

How can I figure out which interface sends this trap?

Answer: In your switch you can use the following command to find out which interface has which index:

sh snmp mib ifmib ifindex

Friday, June 6, 2008

LACP interface in SUSPENDED status

Question: I have a Cisco 3020-HP switch connected to a C6509 by two times 2Gbit trunk links. I configures LACP to bundle two 1Gbit links to form a 2Gbit trunk. One of the trunks works fine but in the other one, one of the links is in "suspended" status. I checked all the settings but could not find any problem; What does susspended status mean?

Answer: When you configure link aggregation, you have to make sure that all physical interfaces and the logical interface (port channel) have the same settings. For instance if you configure a 1Gbps port channel and put one 100Mbps physical interface in that, this interface will be suspended.
In your case these settings match BUT you forgot one thing!!
In your logical interface (Po15) you have 'storm-control broadcast level 30.00' but in one of your physical links (Gi0/20) storm control is set to level 3.00 for broadcast traffic! Maybe a typo mistake. Adjust this setting in your physical link and you will have your interface in the bundle again.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Clear configuration of a removed linecard

Question: I removed a 48 port 10/100/1000BASETX module (WS-X6748-GE-TX ) from my 6509-E switch but the configuration of that module still remains in the running-configuration. How can I clear the configuration of a removed line card?

Answer: Well, this feature has been added to Cisco IOS recently, you need to issue the following global configuration command so when you remove a module, configuration of that module will be cleared,
module clear-config

If you want to negate this feature use:
no module clear-config

Friday, November 2, 2007

HSRP and preempt command

Question: What does "preempt" command do in HSRP configuration. I thought also without this command the router with highest priority will become active.

Answer: To get the role of this command suppose that the active HSRP router fails, in this case the standby router will become active. If no preempt command is used in HSRP setting after the previously active router, the one with the highest priority, comes up again the status of HSRP will not change. This means that the previous standby router, current active one, will stay active even though it's priority is lower.
When preempt is used, whenever a router with higher priority comes up it will become active.