Question: I have a Cisco 3020-HP switch connected to a C6509 by two times 2Gbit trunk links. I configures LACP to bundle two 1Gbit links to form a 2Gbit trunk. One of the trunks works fine but in the other one, one of the links is in "suspended" status. I checked all the settings but could not find any problem; What does susspended status mean?
Answer: When you configure link aggregation, you have to make sure that all physical interfaces and the logical interface (port channel) have the same settings. For instance if you configure a 1Gbps port channel and put one 100Mbps physical interface in that, this interface will be suspended.
In your case these settings match BUT you forgot one thing!!
In your logical interface (Po15) you have 'storm-control broadcast level 30.00' but in one of your physical links (Gi0/20) storm control is set to level 3.00 for broadcast traffic! Maybe a typo mistake. Adjust this setting in your physical link and you will have your interface in the bundle again.